发布时间:2021-05-23 16:11:24
E.g.1 - The path you take / will depend on the choices you make along the way.
E.g.2 - The success or faliure of your mission / will hinge on the decisions you make.
Practice - At least some colloquialisms in Australian English does not exist in other types of English.
【2】连词前(and, because, or, so, while等)
E.g.1 - Teenage girls are continuing to outperform boys in English / while the gender gap in achievements in math and science has almost disappeared.
Practice - Parents can communicate their personal feelings about undesirable programs both by discouraging their children from watching them and by writing to their local television station or to the program's sponsors.
【3】介词前(in, on, at, of, by等)
E.g.1 - He lives with his wife / on a farm / in the village.
Practice - Operating in a way that approaches a "net neutral" impact to the natural environment.
【4】从句前(When, which, that)
E.g.1 - Two sisters were at a dinner party / when the conversation turned to upbringing.
Practice - The secrets of plant growth are regions of tissue that can produce cells that later develop into specialized tissues.
Practice 答案解析
【1】At least some colloquialisms in Australian English / does not exist in other types of English.
【2】Parents can communicate their personal feelings about undesirable programs both by discouraging their children from watching them / and by writing to their local television station / or to the program's sponsors.
【3】Operating in a way that approaches a "net neutral" impact / to the natural environment.
【4】The secrets of plant growth are regions of tissue / that can produce cells / that later develop into specialized tissues.