发布时间:2020-05-08 16:37:03
之前的文章我们以BBC的一篇新闻报道为例(【飞凡云讲堂】Mark Fang老师带你解锁SST训练正确姿势,BBC听起来~),与大家讨论了如何精听英文材料。不少同学可能会觉得,听新闻非常枯燥,想知道:能否通过看自己喜欢的英文脱口秀、英美剧、电影等练习听力呢?
下面我以BoJack Horseman这部剧中的S05 E06开篇两分钟,BoJack父亲的独白,给大家一些灵感——如何通过刷剧提高英语听力水平?
1. Your mother's having another one of her episodes.
✎ Episode: 辞典中的第一个意思是(人生的)一段经历;(小说的)片段,插曲。第二个意思是我们常用的(电视剧的)一集。字幕组给这句话的翻译是:你妈又在上演悲伤的独角戏了。
✎ 我们在日常生活中如果想要吐槽某人戏多,可以这么说:“Stop having your episodes. No one cares.”
2. I emerged from my sanctum, this afternoon, to discover that not only had she not made my lunch, which is a meal I need in order to live, but she'd furthermore, locked herself in the bedroom to weep…loudly.
✎ BoJack他爸作为一个毫无才华又自视甚高的文人,喜欢用一些特别的词来凸显他的与众不同。这句话中emerge用得很好,原意为:to come out of a dark, confined or hidden place. 有种终于从阴暗的房间中现身来找马粮吃的感觉。当我们终于结束自我隔离时你可以说:We finally emerge into bright sunshine.
✎ Sanctum的意思是a private room where sb can go and not be disturbed; a holy place. 就这一句话,一个躲在自己世界里假装进行创作的衰男形象就跃然纸上了。
3. Anyway, I was able to cobble together a sandwich for myself, so, I’m the real hero of the story.
✎ Cobble比较常见的意思是作名词用的鹅卵石。作动词用时,意思是to make or repair shoes。cobble sth together是特殊词语,意思是胡乱拼凑,粗制滥造。
✎ 所以当你想要表达对小组作业里组员的不满时可以这么说:I do not know what they’ve coddled together in the whole week. Anyway, I managed to beat the deadline and I’m the real hero here.
4. It was a couple hours later when I realized I was on a good run with my novel.
✎ On a good run的意思是Something that went well, or maybe just better than expected, but is now over. It may also be used insultingly or sarcastically to describe an attempt that was, in fact, not a good run.
✎ 注意到这里有个sarcastically的含义了吧。以后你要是想嘲讽比较亲密的朋友又不想被听出来时,可以这么说: I know she was on a good run with pasta that night, but we ended up ordering KFC.
5. …and I thought about how rare it is to really get in the groove like that.
✎ Groove原意是沟,槽;音乐节奏。
✎ Be (stuck) in a groove指墨守成规;照管理办事。这句话的意思是波杰克先生觉得自己难得有一次写作上了头,好比榫终于对进了卯。
6. My idiot child is blasting the television. 我的蠢儿子总是把电视开得很大声。
✎ Blast意思是爆炸;突如其来的强劲气流;响声,吹奏声,轰鸣;严厉的批评等。意思很丰富,大家可以查查辞典。
✎ 可以用这个词来告诉室友:Please do not blast your Alienware after 12 a.m. I need to get up early.
7. …and it suddenly dawned on me.
✎ Dawn什么意思大家都知道的,dawn on sb是特殊表达,意思是if sth dawns on you, you begin to realize it for the first time.
✎ 这个表达尤其适用于你后知后觉地发现了一些不可告人的事情:Suddenly it dawned on me that Julie couldn’t possibly have met my husband before.
8. …while gazing longingly at a tangled string of pearls.
✎ Gaze longingly at可以翻译为眼巴巴地盯着。一个好用的日常用语。I gazed longingly at the discounted roast chicken at Coles but I was on a diet then.
9. I’m out of the zone now, the whole day’s shot! 我已经完全没状态了,这一天全毁了!
✎ Out of the zone的意思是 fall asleep or lose concentration or consciousness.这下你知道论文写不完的时候应该怎么告诉朋友了吧。