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发布时间:2019-06-06 12:22:35


根据同学们的考场回忆,Describe Image 里简单图出现的频率还是比较高的,但同学们也不能放松了那些较为复杂的图的练习。今天我们就举例详地说说其中两道。

有一些Bar Chart 并不像线图一样清晰,往往它们的坐标更为复杂。说的时候如果没有一个清晰的逻辑,就容易乱了分寸。比如这道常考题:blob.png


值得注意的是,虽然纵坐标是分季度的,但实际上也是按时间顺序排列的。所以我们就可以根据这一点按照产品类型(X, Y, Z)分别讲述。

  1. 总起句:介绍image的主要内容
  2. Product Z
  3. Product Y
  4. Product X
  5. Implications (if you have) 

参考答案:This bar chart shows the sales of three products by quarters. It is quite clear that Products Z had the highest sales among all the products throughout the year, which started at about $13,000 in Quarter1, and then dropped to $5,000 in Quarter4 with some fluctuations in the process. In contrast, Product Y had the lowest average sales for the year, which dropped from $ 3,000 in Quarter 1 to $ 1,000 in Quarter2. It then increased dramatically but dropped again ending up with a sale of $ 2,500 in Quarter. When you look at Product X, it just decreased steadily from $ 10,000 in Quarter 1 to $ 2,000 in Quarter. 

还有一种bar chart, 它和上图很像,却又有一些不同,比如:blob.png

同样我们先来看一下他的坐标,纵坐标很简单是百分比。横坐标是不同的transport mode。对比上题的季度坐标,这里的transport mode不具有时间上的连贯性,但是我们可以发现每一种Mode里面却又是按照时间排列的,也就是说是可连续的,所以我们同样可以抓住这一点进行论述:

  1. 总起句:介绍主要内容

  2. 介绍接下来的每一种mode, 注意在说的时候突出对比

  3. Implications (if you have)

参考答案:This bar charts displayes the the change of proportions for each transport mode from 1960 to 2000. When you look at bus, it grew from 18% in 1960 to its top at 26% in 1980 and then fell back to 16% in 2000. The story for car was different, whose percentage increased dramatically from 6% in 1960 to 36% in 2000. In contrast, both bike and foot had a declining trend through the 40 years. Bike's figure dropped from 25% to 7%, and foot's proportion decreased even more seriously from 34% to 9%. 







