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【PTE Summarize Written Text】那些比较特殊的Text

发布时间:2019-06-06 14:09:07


在PTE考试的时间是紧张的,因为除了每一篇essay只有20分钟之外,我们还要应付2-3篇每篇用时不能超过10分钟的summarize written text, 今天我们就来讲讲这类题里面一些比较特别的text。


但这不是必然的,今天我们讲的文章就是一个例外(From PTE Academic Practice Tests Plus)

Tradition and commerce often clash in many cultures. In Trinidad, it is the Carnival that is the cause of current friction. The complaint, as you would expect, is that traditional skills and creativity are being lost in the rush to make profits. And the profits are large: the two-day festival, which attracts up to 40,000 tourists each year, is estimated to generate somewhere between $27 million and $100 million.A particular problem for the traditionalists is that the extravagant colorful costumes people wear in the bands or processions are now largely being imported, especially from China. These costumes are cheaper and more revealing (another cause of complaint) than those made locally. Critics say these imports are a threat to traditional creations and, worse, mean sending work elsewhere. Others see turning the Carnival into a profitable and exportable industry as a progressive move, benefiting the country as a whole.A large number of people are in two minds. On the one hand, the changes are a reflection of what people - mainly tourists - want, and bring in money. On the other, there is a desire to preserve traditions. The transformation of the bands and processions into businesses has disrupted the social order, which used to be made up of friends getting together to relax, eat and drink, and make costumes. Both sides agree, though, that the country needs to make better use of the skills of the people in the Carnival business and that the country's resources must appeal to a wider market.


在这篇文章的第一段,开头句的topic sentence指明了这段的中心是Tradition和commerce之间的冲突,接着文章以Trinidad的carnival做了举例。

在第二段中,让人意想不到的是第一段的例子居然延续到了这里。这时我们会情不自禁地想它是否还会延续到第三段。粗略扫描后,我们可以发现第三段依旧在围绕这个例子讨论。所以在这样的情况下,我们就不能再把这个‘例子’当成附加的成分,我们的summary 必须详细地涵盖这个‘例子’所讲的主要信息。



再看第三段:进一步总结了两派人的看法,并给出这两派人同意的共同点:country needs to make better use of the skills of the people in the Carnival business and that the country's resources must appeal to a wider market.



In Trinidad, traditionalists think their Carnival is being destroyed by commerce, while others believe that opening the event up to foreign business will bring tourists and income to the country,yet both of them agree that the country needs to make better use of the skills of the people in the Carnival business and that the country's resources must appeal to a wider market.






