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【答案文本】PTE Read Aloud练习工具视频(第二期)

发布时间:2019-09-04 07:17:12


Read Aloud 平时练习效率不高?


飞凡练习工具视频系列之Read Aloud系列将会以每20个文本为单位,持续更新。



21. Market Research
Market research is vital part of the planning of any business. However experienced you or your
staff may be in a particular field, if you are thinking of introducing a service to a new area. It is
important to find out what the local population thinks about it first.

22. Roman Writers
Roman writers and orators began to expand their imaginative and intellectual horizons and
refine the Latin language through the study of Greek literature. Early Roman literature had two
kinds; the recording and examination of public life and behavior through life stories of famous
men, and the particularly Roman art of satirical comedy and drama.

23. Energy Efficiency
This finding is understandable in certain cases in spite of its high significance; that is because
energy efficiency of building operation just represents a single aspect of sustainability. By the
same token, an energy efficient building with poor building material choices may not be
considered sustainable.

24. Integration
Currently, integration is increasingly needed in the business environment. This need emerges
from the efficiency and synergy requirements necessary in a complex and turbulent
environment. In other words, integration is needed to facilitate coordination, which is again
related to the building of competitive advantage.

25. Dolphins
Dolphins, whales and porpoises are all social animals, but some species are more sociable than
others. This depends on the environment because a species adopts the lifestyle most suitable for
this. Among dolphins, forming groups makes it easier for them to find food, reproduce and gain
knowledge. They are safer, too, because dolphins can communicate danger when there are
threats around.

26. US Student Debt
The numbers on US student debt, after all, are truly staggering. The average 2015 US university
graduate who took out loans to help pay for tuition enters the workforce with $35,000 in student
debt. In the US, total student debt exceeds $1.15 trillion - dwarfing, for instance, the nation's
credit card debt.

27. Tsunamis
The tsunamis could provide crucial information about the habitability of ancient Mars. The first
one occurred when the planet must have been relatively warm and amenable for life, because it
carved out backwash channels as it returned to the sea. By contrast, the planet had become
much cooler by the time the second tsunami hit—the waters apparently flash-froze after flowing
onto the surface.

28. CD-Quality Sound
Reiss took a stab at settling the argument with a meta-analysis—a study of studies—on whether
people can really perceive better-than-CD quality sound. He analyzed data from 18 studies,
including more than 400 participants and nearly 13,000 listening tests. Overall, listeners picked
out the better-than-CD-quality track 52.3 percent of the time. Statistically significant, if not all
that impressive.

29. War On Women
While the Republican field is packed with male candidates, so far, some of the sharpest Clinton
critics have come from women. Democrats successfully campaigned on an alleged GOP
perpetrated “war on women"; in 2012, but faltered in 2014 when they tried the same tactic. With
Hillary Clinton as the likely Democratic nominee, the fight for women voters will be a central part
of the 2016 campaign.

30. Glamorous Person
Who do you think is the most glamorous person? A biotechnologist who led his company in
international research, an ordinary welder who gained international fame through his work, or a
photographer complimented widely for a series of photos?

31. Wild Cat
In the photo, the wild cat’s huge paws are clamped onto the side of the white safari Jeep in
which Chappell was a passenger. Almost as tall as the Jeep on her hind legs, she appears to be
forcing her muzzle into the back window.

32. Hackers
The Office of Personnel Management was the target of the attack, but data from nearly every
government agency was stolen. U.S. investigators say they believe Chinese hackers were behind
the breach.

33. Atlantis
For centuries, Atlantis has been one of the western world’s favorite legends, a tantalizing blend
of fantasy and mystery. Stories tell of a rich and glorious empire that was lost to the sea- where
some hope its ruins still lie, waiting to be discovered.

34. Naming English
In the past, Naming English as a separate subject seemed relatively easy. The textbook selected
and graded items of language which were put into content and then practiced intensively. New
items were carefully controlled so that the student could cope quite easily. Now that English is
used as a medium of instruction.

35. Mitigation
As far as politics go, the responses are just as varied. Mitigation is common and calls for a
reduction of emissions and less reliance on fossil fuels. Coal burning power plants are now
replaced with hydraulic power plants and electrical cars are replacing some gasoline efficient
cars. Many people, however, feel that this is not enough.

36. Thompson
Thompson recognized and exploited all the ingredients of a successful amusement ride, writes
Judith A. Adams in The American Amusement Park Industry. His coasters combined an
appearance of danger with actual safety, thrilled riders with exhilarating speed, and allowed the
public to intimately experience the Industrial Revolution’s new technologies of gears, steel, and
dazzling electric lights.

37. T-Cells
Usually, age is determined by physical characteristics, such as teeth or bones. Great—if you have
a body. Researchers have tried unsuccessfully to use blood. But in this study, the scientists used
immune cells called T-cells. T-cells recognize invaders through receptors that match molecules on
bacteria, viruses, even tumors. The cellular activity that produces these receptors also produces
a type of circular DNA molecule as a by-product.

38. Non-Material Culture
For the purposes of argument, culture is divided into material and non-material, and the
speaker's aim is to show how they both affect each other. Material developments in tools and
technology can affect non-material culture, our customs and beliefs, and the other way around.
Genetics is used as an example as it has changed the way we think about life, but also our beliefs
have affected its rate of development.


飞凡英语PTE纯干货视频分享 http://bit.ly/2GstAIX
飞凡高分学员分享 http://bit.ly/2DLYk9X
飞凡英语Kevin带你读RA http://bit.ly/2BCXhDm


飞凡英语12月PTE口语改音课 - Part 1 https://youtu.be/WgD5Qxdf8Qo
飞凡英语12月PTE口语改音课 - Part 2 https://youtu.be/cv7jIzFRpjs
飞凡PTE 10月新题公开课阅读+听力部分:https://youtu.be/3GtPk7NRoJA
飞凡PTE 10月新题公开课口语+写作部分:https://youtu.be/YnkczcmvytQ




