发布时间:2020-10-18 18:26:16
< 口 语 部 分 >
一、Read Aloud
- 题目1:
Closure activities allow participants to consolidate learning, say goodbye to group mates, and attend to any unfinished business prior to the ending of the group experience. Generally, these activities involve some reflection upon what has been learned or accomplished during the preceding time together and a sharing of those thoughts or insights with other participants.
我们来看看这部分Generally, these activities involve some reflection upon what has been learned or accomplished during the preceding time together and a sharing of those thoughts or insights with other participants. 几乎是完全要靠自己的理解来断句了。
Generally, these activities /involve some reflection /upon what has been learned or accomplished /during the preceding time together /and a sharing of those thoughts or insights /with other participants.
- 题目2:
Thus language acquisition might be like other biological functions. The linguistic clumsiness of tourists and students might be the price we pay for the linguistic genius we displayed as babies, just as the decrepitude of age is the price we pay for the vigour of youth.
二、Repeat Sentence
这次的RS并不简单,有的句子是带有状语从句的,比如因为xxx,所以xx的句型,或者when xxx,xx的复杂句。
三、Describe Image
< 写 作 部 分 >
小作文 1
A marketing objective is a marketing target or goal that an organisation hopes to achieve, such as to boost market share from 9 to 12 per cent within 2 years. Marketing objectives steer the direction of the business. Operating a business without knowing your objectives Is like driving a car without knowing where you want to go. Some businesses achieve a degree of success without setting marketing objectives; stumbling across a successful business model by accident. But why should anyone rely on chance? If firms set marketing objectives the probability of success Increases because decision making will be more focused.
Marketing objectives must be compatible with the overall objectives of the company; they cannot be set in isolation by the marketing department. Achieving the marketing objective of boosting share from 9 to 12 per cent will help realise a corporate objective of growth. To be effective, marketing objectives should be quantifiable and measurable. Targets should also be set within a time frame. An example of a marketing objective that Nestle might set is: ‘To achieve a 9 per cent increase in the sales of KitKat by the end of next year.’ A car manufacturer, such as BMW, could set the following marketing objective: ‘To increase the number of BMW 3 Series cars sold in China from 250,000 to 400, 000 over the next 12 months’. Setting sales volume targets can be particularly important in Industries such as car manufacturing because of the high fixed costs associated with operating in this market. If sales volume can be Increased, the high fixed costs of operating will be spread across a greater number of units of output, reducing fixed costs per unit.
Disabled people were among the early adopters of personal computers. They were quick to appreciate that word processing programs and printers gave them freedom from dependence on others to read and write for them. Some became very knowledgeable about what could be achieved and used their knowledge to become independent students at a high level. They also gained the confidence to ask that providers of education make adjustments so that disabled students could make better use of course software and the web, rather than just word processing.
For some disability groups, information in electronic format (whether computer-based or internet-based) can be more accessible than printed information. For example, people who have limited mobility or limited manual skills can find it difficult to obtain or hold printed material; visually impaired people can find it difficult or impossible to read print, but both these groups can be enabled to use a computer and, therefore, access the information electronically. Online communication can enable disabled students to communicate with their peers on an equal basis. For example, a deaf student may find it difficult to interact in a face-to-face tutorial, but have no difficulty interacting when using a text conferencing system in which everyone types and reads text. In addition, people’s disabilities are not necessarily visible in online communication systems; so disabled people do not have to declare their disability and are not perceived as being different.
Some people think that certain kinds of music promote learning in young children; while there have been many research studies, so far there have been mixed results. Discuss whether or not you think that certain kinds of music have an effect on learning.
Some people say that the purpose of education is to create future workers and good members of society. Others would argue that the purpose of education is to enable the individual to lead a fulfilled life. What do you see as the purpose of education? Support your point of view with details from your own experience, observations or reading.